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This privacy policy outlines your rights and my obligations related to the collection and safeguarding of your personal data and the kind of data I require to gather from you prior to starting our counselling sessions and throughout the course of these sessions. It also outlines my methodology for handling and storing your personal data, the duration for which it will be retained, and the parties with whom it may be shared. Furthermore, it informs you about the kind of requests you can make pertaining to this data.


ICO Registration

I am registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).


Processing your personal data

Your personal data held by me is held confidentially, and is not accessed or handled by anyone else, other than myself.

I require your consent to process the personal information you share with me, and this forms part of our counselling agreement, which I ask you to sign.


Information I keep, and how I store it

I hold your contact details, for purposes of communication between us regarding sessions, and any changes to those. I have your contact number on my phone, stored by reference, to protect identification. I hold your email address on my laptop, which is password protected.

Any personal information you share during our first session, regarding your life history, medical information, or information pertinent to your reasons for seeking counselling, are stored in a locked cabinet, to which I have sole access. I maintain a filing system by client first name and reference, to maintain confidentiality.

I write brief session notes, confirming attendance/non attendance, date of session, and payment. I hold these records for seven years, after which they are destroyed. Once your counselling has ended, you may request your notes to be destroyed sooner.


Accessing your personal data

You have the right to obtain the personal data I hold on you. This is something that we can discuss during a session, in order for us to explore the purpose of your request, particularly if your counselling is on-going.

All requests will be responded to within thirty days of receipt of request.


Sharing your data

I am bound by a confidentiality agreement, in line with the Ethical Framework of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP). There are limits to confidentiality, as governed by law, pertaining to information related to terrorism, drug trafficking, or child protection.

I have regular supervision with a clinical supervisor, who is a member of the BACP, and is also bound by an agreement to confidentiality.


Can I object to or complain about the processing of my personal information?

If you are unhappy with my handling of your data, you have a right to complain to the ICO.

Ally Curry Counselling
Tel: 07887 637939